Answered Prayers {Thankful Thursdays}

We've all been to the Lord in prayer about certain areas in our lives. Whether we were praying about healing, protection or provision, God heard our prayers. He may not answer them according to how we want or when we want, but He does answer prayers. God doesn't always answer with a YES, sometimes He answers with a NO. God’s timing is always perfect, even when we don’t realize it. There are times when we are left waiting for an answer; even after waiting, that answer could still be No. We have a Heavenly Father who is with us always (Hebrews 13:5) and hears our prayers.(Jeremiah 33:3, Luke 11:9) Whether the answer is YES, NO or WAIT, God knows what is best for each of us.

Answered Prayers {Thankful Thursdays Linkup}

Answered Prayers

As a parent, we provide our children’s needs; we even give the desires they may have. The Lord does the same for us – He provides our needs and He will give of our desires. (Mark 11:24) While the Lord may not provide a trip around the world, He will give things we desire when we ask Him. I love driving around the parking lot, praying for a close parking space and BOOM there it is. I love that!

We have a God who provides more than what we need because He can, because He cares, and because He will. We serve a God who created the universe, the beauty we see daily and sent His son as payment for our sin, why would we not want to draw close to Him?

I’m thankful for answered prayers, even when they are not answered the way I expect. I’m thankful for a God who hears, answers and provides.