Homeschooling in Georgia

A look at the homeschooling in the state of Georgia with a list of field trip locations around the state.

Homeschooling In Georgia 

I never considered writing about homeschooling in Georgia until after I wrote about homeschooling in Montana. Between the two states, there are some differing regulations. They both have one that is on the sticky side if you ask me, but that is how laws go sometimes. Georgia has dropped down into what is considered low regulation state because some laws changed in the past few years – and that is a good thing.

Homeschooling in Georgia

The laws are simple:

Parents are to have required qualifications
File a letter of intent
Teach the required subjects
Meet the required number of days during the year
Write an annual report
Test child every three years starting in 3rd grade

Groups and Co-Ops: Georgia his home to hundreds of groups and co-ops. They are not hard to find one if you are searching. There are many Facebook groups associated with locations and one for the whole state.

Field Trips: Ideas for field trips abound in Georgia. We have a rich history going all the way back to pre-Revolutionary War days. For our family, field trips are meant for learning, not just amusement. You’ll see what I’m talking about as you look through my list. These are all places we’ve visited over the years, some more than one time. (**= free admission)

Homeschooling in Georgia

Curriculum Shout OutTeaching Textbooks will always be at the top of my recommendation list. After six years of using it, we are still happy with the choice of making the change. Creative Writing That Puts You In Their Sandals is another book I recommend. We used it for last school year, and I wish I would have bought it sooner.

Advice – My advice is never like other homeschooling families. While we agree with prayer and commitment, I’m a lone wolf homeschooler. Being an introvert, I don’t care for homeschool groups and co-ops. Over the years, we attended one year of co-op. It was a once a month meeting with a few days of gathering for sports. It was fine, but I felt I was being required to attend sports days when I didn’t really have to. Those in charge came across as not open to help or ideas from the families. Problems with mishandling of the fees added to the already stress I was experiencing, needless to say, groups and co-ops were a once and done thing for us.

I know everyone is different and some feel the need to join a group or co-op and that’s okay. Ask lots of questions before making your decision. Ask those you know who they would recommend. Ask if you can attend a meeting or activity before joining. (If they don’t allow you to check them out, that is something to consider.) Is there a statement of faith or guidelines of what is expected from members if they are a secular group? Do they have a plan in place for legal problems? What happens to the prepaid fees if they close unexpectantly? Ask others how they feel about the logistics of how everything is run. Will you be getting your money’s worth out of the group/co-op? What’s expected of you as a parent? Are the classes you’ll be paying for offering enough for high school credit?

As you can see there are a lot of questions (and more)to ask before joining a group/co-op.

If you are a homschooling family where do you call home?